Pollen / Spore | pollen |
Morphologic type | tricolpate |
Surface pattern | verrucate |
Equatorial size | min 23.7, mean 32.1, max 41 |
Polar size | min 40.2, mean 45.5, max 51.6 |
Equatorial shape | prolate, subprolate |
Polar shape | triangular (convex) |
Grain arrangement | dicot |
Aperture count | 3 |
Wall evenness | even |
Exine type | tectate |
Columella visible? | True |
Dispersal form | monad |
Plant type | angiosperm |
Floristic region(s) | China (tropical) , Mainland Southeast Asia |
Cultivated? | False |
Vegetation communities | open forest, woodland |
Ecology notes | Synonyms: Camellia drupifera (Dyer, non Lour.) Polunin. O. and Stainton. A. (1984) Flowers of the Himalayas. Oxford Universtiy Press. |
Collector | Exchange slide, Pondicherry |
Institution | Exchange slide Pondicherry |
ANU access code | 9493 |
Collection notes | Photographed |