Rhizophora apiculata RHIZOPHORACEAE

Sample information

Sample ID221-1-1
Common namered mangrove


Pollen / Sporepollen
Morphologic typetricolporate
Surface patternreticulate
Equatorial sizemin 17.2, mean 18.3, max 19.3
Polar sizemin 15.5, mean 16.4, max 17.9
Equatorial shapesubprolate
Polar shapecircular
Grain arrangementdicot
Aperture count3
Pore morphologyextruded
Pore surface shapezonorate
Wall thickness1.4
Wall evennessthinner on pole
Dispersal formmonad
Morphology notessurface pattern finely reticulate to psilate. wall thickness 1.19 - 2.16 Prolate spheroidal in ev, circular in pv. Exine average 1.4um thick; sexine = nexine; with very fine reticulate faint pattern.

Ecology and Geography

Plant typeangiosperm
Floristic region(s)India (tropical) , West Pacific , Mainland Southeast Asia , Maritime Southeast Asia , Papua New Guinea (lowland) , Australia (tropical)
Vegetation communitiesclosed forest, open forest
Ecology notesGrindrod, G. (1988) Holocene mangrove history of the South Alligator River estuary, Northern Territory Australia. Unpublished PhD thesis, Australian National University, Canberra.


CollectorANU 377
ANU access code44
Collection notesPhotographed
Equatorial view
Polar view
Surface pattern
Wall view
Aperture view
Unique feature